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High voltage switch cabinet operating stop sending key poin

Date:2017/2/7 16:30:12      Viewed:

1, in the work of all and part of the charged plate, maintenance equipment and operation should be separated with clear sign, this and the operation of the meter box is very close.
2, a secondary winding of current transformer and voltage transformer should be permanent and reliable grounding protection.
3, working in the operation of current transformer secondary circuit, the current loop are forbidden to disconnect
4, voltage transformer secondary circuit in operation work strictly prevent short circuit or check the power-off protection and secondary loop staff, without the permission of the personnel on duty are not allowed to make any brake operation.
> > > > operation in high voltage switch cabinet in sending procedures should pay attention to the following nine o 'clock
Try 1, wear protective equipment, using high pressure electric appliance city high voltage is normal.
2, open the earthing knife lock.Remove the ban closing them.
3, counterclockwise, opening grounding knife.
4, check the grounding instructions in the off position.
5, lock the grounding knife lock.
6, open the switch lock.
7, counterclockwise operation will switch is closed, then reverse clockwise energy storage operation.
8, check the status of three indicator in on.
9, lock the switch lock.
> > > > high voltage switch cabinet power operation should pay attention to the following at seven o 'clock
1, disconnect the low-voltage distribution cabinet into the line of cabinet total load switch.
2, check the status of three indicator in on.
3, press the power switch with the hand, hear switch action so far.
4, with the high voltage electric equipment respectively to the L1, L2, L3, indicator light should be with a white flicker-free.
5, unlock grounding knife.
6, clockwise operation, close the grounding knife.
7, check grounding instructions in ground state.Hang up the ban on closing them.

Prev:Protection circuit continuity design requirements
Next:Introduction to the operation and maintenance in high-voltage switchgear
Add:No. 310 Wei 17th Road, Yueqing Economic Development Zone, Yueqing City, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China hotline: 0086-577-61673333  
? Zhejiang COTTOH Electric Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved.
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