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In order to better serve the needs of users, do a good job in guiding use timely after-sales service, we are in line with "all the pursuit of high quality, high quality, customer satisfaction" for the purpose of the spirit.With "considerate service, reliable product quality" as the principle to the user to do the following commitments:

A, product quality commitment:

1, product manufacturing and testing are conform to the national standard.

2, products tested in a professional testing personnel, to ensure that the indicators meet the requirements of your products.

3, our products are provided in the warranty period if there are quality problem, we are willing to bear all the responsibility.

Second, the delivery time commitment:

We ensure that the provided product to deliver the goods in accordance with the need to request time designated place, if you have special requirements, need to be ahead of schedule, we can negotiate with you, ensure timely meet your demand.

3, if the goods provided by the vendor when unpacking the case, found to have any problems (including appearance damage), must be able to accept to use the way to solve: timely replacement and maintenance for new products.

Fourth, in the warranty period, the same three consecutive maintenance equipment, the same quality problem still can't normal use, we promise to replace with brand new equipment, the same model, and the quality of the products implement "3 packets" service.Outside the warranty period, equipment replacement and maintenance charge of spare parts cost, not artificial technology and service charge.

Five, the after-sales service ability, and in the design of the equipment service life period, our commitment will be able to make use to replace the authentic to the original factory parts and components, to ensure the normal use of equipment.Bidder shall set forth the repairs after the warranty period charge standard, maintenance spare parts warehouse location and factory repair station locations.

Add:No. 310 Wei 17th Road, Yueqing Economic Development Zone, Yueqing City, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China hotline: 0086-577-61673333  
? Zhejiang COTTOH Electric Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved.
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