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Introduction to the operation and maintenance in high-voltage switchgear

Date:2017/2/7 16:31:53      Viewed:

Arrived at the scene, switchgear on-site installation switchgear is usually carried out by the users themselves or install the unit installation, the main contents are: cabinet put oneself in another's position is in place and tank, and the bus bar connection between main bus-bar, cable head production and superior, secondary cable and lead the secondary terminal line connection, etc.Construction process matters needing attention are: (1) cabinet put oneself in another's position should not be collision, in order to avoid deformation, or thin panel touch concave surface coating is injured, affect the appearance.2 side by side cabinet put oneself in another's position of installation foundation channel steel demand level (per meter permissible error ≯ 1 mm).(3) handcart cupboard base height to consider the height of handcart in and out of convenience, floor shall not be formed on the steps.(4) transportation and installation process we need to protect the vacuum arcing chamber, especially when installing a mistress line on the top of the cupboard, should be made to cover the top of the vacuum switch, prevent tools, screw off the parts arcing chamber.5] when the lady with line must be accomplished.A, connected to the electric components of bus bar, tapping should be reliable connection, lest affect flow ability.B, current is larger, the joint lining tin.C, bare copper with bare copper conductive contact surface should be coated protective agent (conductive paste, vaseline, etc.), so as to achieve anti-oxidation moistureproof purpose.[6] cabinet put oneself in another's secondary lead cable, must be in accordance with the specified path shall not hinder the activities of the moving parts, or being hurt when maintenance detection in the future.Lady (7) cabinet put oneself in another's position of the grounding line shall be installed with the base to the burial ground net.through reliable connection, to ensure the continuous reliability of grounding.Cabinet put oneself in another's position after completion of installation, according to the relevant regulations of the ministry to transfer test.
Second, the operation of the high voltage switchgear maintenance matters needing attention
(1) distribution room should be moistureproof, dustproof, and prevent the small animal.
2 all metal components should be anti rust (coated with varnish or paint), lubrication should be paid attention to in the moving parts, check screw loosening, dust should be cleared in a timely manner.
(3) to observe the state of each component are overheating becomes angry, made a noise, the phenomenon such as poor contact.
(4) for vacuum circuit breaker: a, conditional should carry on the power frequency withstand voltage, check vacuum degree can be indirectly.B, the arcing chamber for glass bubble, should observe the internal metal surface with and without hair black, the phenomenon such as presence of glow discharge.C, change the arcing chamber, conductive rod to get stuck in, can't let bellows under torsional moment, conductive clip connected to the conductive rod should be clamped.D, switching circuit fuse specification can't use too large, the melting characteristics of fuse must be reliable.E, closing failure, must check failure: electrical aspects may be the power supply voltage is too low (pressure drop is too big or the power supply capacity is not enough), closing coil turn-to-turn short circuit, be affected with damp be affected with damp cause fuse has broken;Agencies may be closing lock QQ connect quantity is too small, auxiliary switch a tuning Angle is bad, power is premature.F, brake failure, must check failure: electrical aspects may be the power supply voltage is too low, switch contact undesirable, break-brake circuit disconnection;Mechanical aspects may be break-brake coil itinerary is not set, the iron core is binding, lock QQ amount is too large, the screw loose.G, auxiliary switch contact conversion time must be carefully adjusted, premature switch may not be exactly, switch too slow can make long jiang brake coil when charged and burned.Correct position is under the low voltage switching, just can be closed.
5] for isolating switch: a, pay attention to the blade, contact presence of distorted, when the switch is closing in place and well connected.B, break-brake fracture distance is 150 mm or more.C, support and push rod porcelain insulator for cracks or loose rubber fittings.D, its operation mechanism and circuit breaker interlocking device is normal and reliable.
(6) for its isolation, plug a occlusal surface should be coated protective agent (conductive paste, vaseline, etc.), the deflection of b, pay attention to plug any obvious deformation.C, maintenance should be paid attention to when plug occlusal surfaces with and without welding phenomenon.
(7) for current transformer: a, pay attention to the joint presence of overheating, presence of sound and smell.B, insulating parts with and without cracks or discharge.C, lead screw presence of loose, must not make open circuit, in order to avoid high voltage is induced, damage to the operating personnel and equipment safety.
(8) switch cabinets when not in operation for a long time, before the operation of the main one element spacing (e.g., handcart rooms and cable room) should be heated desiccant, in order to prevent condensation and impact outer insulation of the equipment.

Prev:High voltage switch cabinet operating stop sending key poin
Add:No. 310 Wei 17th Road, Yueqing Economic Development Zone, Yueqing City, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China hotline: 0086-577-61673333  
? Zhejiang COTTOH Electric Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved.
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