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GZDWD.C supply panel
Description of products

DC panel used in large, middle and small power generating plant or substation, output DC source for the ON/OFF operation, relay protection, auto control, lighting for high voltage switches at normal status or fault status. The reliability of DC panel is what other power source device can't substitute always. It can meet with such high reliability for the auxiliary power source in substation and power plant.
This series of DC panel has such features as: small size, high efficiency, high technical index, module design, n+1 heat redundancy backup, high reliability, module design (adopted the world latest advanced technology of “Resonant voltage dual loop control resonant switch power source”, four remote operations, standard RS-485 and RS232 interfaces provided for automation, also the other performances excel over the traditional power source of similar use.
Complied standards:  
GB/T 19826-2005  General specification and safety requirements for DC power supply equipment of power projects.
JB/T 5777-4-2000  The general specification and safety requirements for D.C power supply equipment of power system
JB/ 8456-1996   Low-voltage D.C switchgear and controlgear assemblies
DL/T 459-2000  Specifications of D.C supply cabinet in power system 
DL/T 5041-95  Technical code for the design of fossil-fired power plant inner communication

Normal service conditions

■ Altitude: ≤ 2000m;
■ Ambient air temperature:  -15℃~+40℃,   Storage ambient temperature: -40℃~+60℃; 
■ Maximum relative humidity: ≤90% (at 25℃); 
■ The ambient air is not significantly polluted by dust, smoke, corrosive and/or flammable gases, vapours or salt.  Notes: If the operating conditions exceed the normal conditions,  please contact our technical department. 

Add:No. 310 Wei 17th Road, Yueqing Economic Development Zone, Yueqing City, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China hotline: 0086-577-61673333  
? Zhejiang COTTOH Electric Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved.
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