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JKSRM-12Fully insulated enclosed ring main unit
Description of products

A large number of area secondary substations 12/24 kV are required to distribute power to end customers in urban and rural areas. The safety and reliability of distribution equipment will directly affect the stability of distribution system.
With computer simulation combining design and manufacture experience for long time, ABB has developed the new type SF6 gas insulated M.V. switchgears: SAFE series switchgear. The products include the fixed combination type (SafeRing) and flexible extension type (SafePlus). They represent a complete solution for 12/24 kV distribution networks. The SafeRing and SafePlus have identical interfaces
SAFE series switchgear is a completely sealed system with a stainless steel tank containing all the live parts and switching function. A sealed tank with constant atmosphere conditions ensures a high reliability as well as personnel safety and a virtually maintenance free system. The selection of external busbars may meet any combination to obtain full modularity. The external busbars are fully insulated and screened to ensure high reliability and safety. SAFE series switchgear can be provided with automation equipment to form intellectual switchgears concept. The installation, adjustment and test in site are reduced to a minimum.
SafeRing can be supplied in a number of combinations from 2 to 5 ways, Other options can be added according to customer requirements. SafePlus have excellent flexibility due to its fully modular and semi-modular combination and expansibility.
SAFE series switchgears conform to IEC 298 standard. The designed life time for indoor use (20?C) is 30 years (IEC 60298 Annex GG). 


SafeRing is designed for use in the following applications:
■ Compact secondary substations
■ Small industries
■ Wind power plants
■ Hotels, shopping centres, office buildings, business centres etc.
■ Light mining applications, airports, hospitals, tunnels and underground railways

Normal service conditions

SafeRing / SafePlus are operated in general indoor conditions according to IEC 60694.
■  Ambient temperature
    Max. +40?C
    Max. +35?C (average in 24h)
    Min. –25?C
■ Humidity
    Maximum average relative humidity
    Measured in 24h ≤95%
    Measured in one month ≤90%
■ Altitude ≤1000m

Add:No. 310 Wei 17th Road, Yueqing Economic Development Zone, Yueqing City, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China hotline: 0086-577-61673333  
? Zhejiang COTTOH Electric Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved.
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