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DFW-12Cable distribution boxes(American style)
Description of products

Product advantages

■ Full insulation, complete sealing, free of maintenance, reliable protection of personnel safety
■ Anti-corrosion, withstand flood, installation underground or on ground is available, suitable for various severe ambient conditions.
■ Simplify the power cable network in city, save investment.
■ Occupied area is small, low height, good figure, consorted with environment.
■ Various wiring arrangement, easy installation and operation,
■ 200A cable connector can be inserted and pulled out with loading, rapidly detect the fault position.
■ Short circuit fault indicator can be installed to rapidly detect the fault position


Widely used in the renovation of city power network, living apartment, commercial center and etc
Comply with GB/T11022 Common specifications for high-voltage switchgear and controlgear,  GB11033.1~3 Basic technical requirements for power cable accessories with rated voltages up to 35kV standard.

Add:No. 310 Wei 17th Road, Yueqing Economic Development Zone, Yueqing City, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China hotline: 0086-577-61673333  
? Zhejiang COTTOH Electric Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved.
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