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GCKLow voltage withdrawable switchgear
Description of products

GCK Low voltage withdrawable switchgear is widely used in power generating plant, metallurgy rolled steel, textile, seaport and dock, high building, hotel and etc, operating in the system of AC 3-phase 4-wire or 5-wire, voltage 380V, 660V, frequency 50Hz, rated current 5000A and below, to distribute electricity and centrally control motors.
GCK switchgears had been tested completely, awarded CCC certificate, a super low voltage switchgear to be assembled. Comply with GB7251.1-2005 Low voltage switchgear and controlgear, IEC60439-1 Low voltage switchgear and controlgear standard.  

Normal service conditions

■ When  the ambient air temperature is -15℃-+40℃, the mean value is no greater than+35℃ with in 24 hours. 
Note: if the upper limit is higher than +40℃ or lower limit lower than -5℃ in work, discussions  shall be made between the user and the manufacturer. 
■ Altitude: not higher than 2000m for the installation site. 
■ Relative humidity not exceed 50% at the max temperature of +40℃, higher relative humidity is allowable under lower temperature. For example, RH could be 90% at +20℃, while special measures shall be taken for the condensation occasionally produced due to temperature change. 
■ Storage ambient temperature: -25℃~+55℃; No greater than+70℃ with in 24 hours. 
■ The ambient air is not significantly polluted by dust, smoke, corrosive and/or flammable gases, vapours or salt.
Notes: If the operating conditions exceed the normal conditions, please contact our technical department.

Add:No. 310 Wei 17th Road, Yueqing Economic Development Zone, Yueqing City, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China hotline: 0086-577-61673333  
? Zhejiang COTTOH Electric Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved.
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